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Memorial Student Center Lobby, Drinko Library, Commons, Twin Towers, First Year Dorms

Join us for Women's History Month events throughout the month of March!

March 1: Kick-off reception @ 3pm
Sponsored by the Women’s and Gender Center
Drinko Library Atrium, 3-5pm
The calendar of events will be announced and refreshments will be served.
This event is free and open to the public.

March 2: Wake Up with the Women’s and Gender Center
Sponsored by the Women’s and Gender Center
Old Main 115, 9-10am
Grab a coffee, morning snack and free swag in the Women’s and Gender Center and connect with fellow students, faculty and staff.

March 4: Marshall vs. Kent State softball game
Sponsored by the Women’s and Gender Center
Dot Hicks Field, 12:30pm
Stop by the Women’s and Gender Center’s table and grab some free swag before you cheer on the softball team.

March 6: Salary Negotiation Workshop
Sponsored by the Women’s and Gender Center and Athletics
Buck Harless Student Athlete Center, Auditorium, 7pm
Designed to empower college women with the essential skills and confidence they need to negotiate for fair pay and help them determine their worth based on specific skills, experiences and qualifications.

March 7: Women of Color Day

March 1-8: Book Display
Drinko Library
Various books by international women will be highlighted for the week leading up to International Women's Day.

March 8: International Women’s Day Panel Discussion
Sponsored by the Women’s and Gender Center, Drinko Academy and others
Drinko Library Atrium, 5-6:30pm
Recognize and celebrate our international campus community with a panel discussion featuring students, faculty and staff from around the world.

March 9: Wake Up with the Women’s and Gender Center
Sponsored by the Women’s and Gender Center
Old Main 115, 9-10am
Grab a coffee, morning snack and free swag in the Women’s and Gender Center and connect with fellow students, faculty and staff.

March 21: Women’s Mental Health and Wellness Self-Care Event
Sponsored by the Counseling Center
Don Morris Room, 4-6pm
This event will include speaker and life coach Charise Lindsey, discussing the importance of women’s self-care and there will be stations and information focused on women’s mental health and wellness. Free food, give-a-ways, relaxation yoga, and the first 30 female students will receive a 5 minute chair massage.

March 21: Women’s Paint and Sip
Hosted by the Women’s and Gender Center and Campus Activities Board
MSC, BE5, 6-8pm
This event will allow up to 100 students to paint a women-inspired painting. Sodexo snacks, tea, coffee, lemonade and water will be provided.

March 24: BodyShots XV: Holler!
Hosted by the WGSS, COLA and Academic Affairs
Joan C. Edwards Performing Arts Center, Experimental Theater, 7pm
Annual multimedia performance themed around a singular concept; includes film, dance, poetry, creative readings and visual arts. Free with a reception to follow.

March 29: The Charlotte Schmidlapp Lecture: Mikki Kendall
Hosted by the Charlotte Schmidlapp Foundation, WGSS and Academic Affairs
MSC, Don Morris Room, 7pm
An annual lecture series featuring NYT best-selling author and cultural critic Mikki Kendall, author of Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women a Movement Forgot and Amazons, Abolitionists, and Activists: A Graphic History of Women's Fights for Their Rights. Free and open to the public. Reception to follow.

All Month: Period Product Supply Drive
Sponsored by SGA
Collection bins located in MSC lobby, Drinko Library, Commons, Twin Towers and First Year Dorms

For more information, click here.

Event Details